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details in the fabric.

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Sorry I've been a bit M.I.A. sweet readers, but my break was needed. You know how you get so wrapped up in one aspect of life and don't even realize that the other parts are going to shit? Well I've been learning how to balance ALL the parts of my world to make room for everything, but I needed a small break from the interwebs in order for me to get my mind right. If that makes any sense at all....

Anyway I'm back, and with me being back in the loop, I decided to post this picture of one of my favorite bloggers Caroline and the details of an outfit of her's she recently posted. Details are very important to me, especially because my daily wardrobe consists of jeans and tee's. To make up for the lazy outfits I like to add massive amounts of odd jewelry and other little pieces that make what I'm wearing a bit more interesting.

That YSL ring is ridic...[carolinesmode]

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