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toby keith is an idiot.

douches come in all colors, shapes & sizes i guess...

i usually don't express my opinions about pop culture or any culture for that matter, on this blog because well...i just don't feel like it...but this...this i had to vent about.

toby keith has made many offenses towards mankind with his lack of thinking before speaking. for some reason the african american race & our poster child barack obama have taken a couple hits from the idiot country singer as of late. first it was that dumb ass song about his racist grandpappy hanging muthasuckas on a tree for their indiscretions, and now he's making stupid ass comments about black people not believing barack obama is BLACK because he acts like he's WHITE.

ok...the race issue is a sensitive one. i get it...but goddamit, sometimes you just gotta say what the fuck you feel & right now I'm feeling some type of way about this idiot WHITE MAN explaining how BLACK PEOPLE supposedly feel about another BLACK PERSON...

First of all...WHAT THE FUCK DOES IT MEAN TO ACT BLACK? I've had to battle with this during the duration of my life. I've been told that because I don't look a certain way, act a certain way, wear my hair a certain way, and because I don't have negative mannerisms...that I'm not black. Hmmm...last time I looked into a mirror and saw my reflection I WAS please don't make yourself look like an idiot and tell me i'm not...

I'm tired

I just wish that people would think about the things they want to say before they say it. What the fuck are people thinking nowadays when they can write songs about their grandparents yolking niggas up on trees & and about a black man not being a black man because he doesn't personify the negative stereotypes that others have placed upon us. When are we as a culture going to put our foot down and tell these dumb ass people who say dumb ass things to SHUT THE FUCK UP once and for all....

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