he's heading to miami in the morning to do the 'grown up' thing, and start his life by working with the miami heat. i'm happy for him, i am, but a part of me feels left behind and a little more than sad.
he's been apart of my life since high school, and i have no idea what i'm gonna do without him being around, or at least in constant reach. i can honestly say that he's one person i love with ALL my heart. he has never once judged me for my shortcomings, and has stuck with me through some difficult times in my life. he's the closest thing to a rock that i've ever had in a friend, and has always been my shoulder to cry on. we've had some good times, and some rough patches...but throughout my life he's always been there.
i guess this is just a sign that times are changing and we're actually doing the unthinkable...growing up. i can't wait to see what God has in store for his future and mine...
"you just call out my name, and you know where ever i am, i'll come running to see you again. winter spring summer or fall, all you gotta do is call, and i will be there. you've got a friend..."
i love you brandon with all my heart.
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