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hermit & the frog| marina & the diamonds.

I listen to a lot of music.

Any moment I'm not around people, and sometimes in the off chance that I actually am, I'm listening to music. It's powerful how there are songs for every mood I have (and there are tons) and every situation I see myself in (I've got a boat load of those as well). At the beginning of this summer I started listening to Marina & the Diamonds pretty heavily, and haven't taken a breather from her voice since. Lord knows there aren't enough hours, minutes, or seconds in a day to explain how much I've been consumed with every track, every single lyric, or her voice which reminds me of a mixture of Fergie and Jesus (Catalina wine mixer!). While listening to this album yet again today, I decided to stop hoarding this amazing singer share the effing wealth.

So here's a sample of my insanity.
Make it your own, because I sure have...

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