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remembering barbie fondly.

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I've never been a huge fan of Barbie, but since I'm highly amused by the absurd, this practically had me falling out of my clothes with excitement (which isn't that hard to do, but whatever...). Margaux Lange creates jewelry around the parts of girls best friend, Barbie. Using every possible body part to created earrings, rings, and necklaces, the pieces may be a bit hefty in price, but they're one of a kind and incredibly perfect. I found these beauties on Etsy courtesy of my friend Sarah and her intense fascination with craziness. I'm in love! Especially with the heart necklaces with Barbies boobs right in the middle. Yes, please!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad I'm not the only one in love with these! I need a boob necklace so badly!


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