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Ode 2 Life...

La Vita Bella...(Life is Good)

It's so funny how life goes. One day you're on top of the world. You're relationships are in the right spot, you're taken care of spiritually, financially, and emotionally. Nothing can go wrong. But then you've got the days where you don't want to get out of bed, people are walking out of you're life, and you're all messed up inside...I've had both days, good and bad. And although I'm grateful for them now, you couldn't have told me then that the storm would pass. Because I thought it never would...

I've been through my share of pain, drama, failure, and hurt. I've had some high high's and really low blows, but I made it through. I'm constantly amazed at my progress in this life. I'm amazed by my growth in God and how I'm learning (very slowly lol) to trust Him and that trouble doesn't last always, and joy really comes in the morning light. I'm beginning to even get excited about someone elses walk with God (KinfOlk...G's up!). I've started looking away from all the negatives in my life and am focusing more on the positives. I've got a great group of people around me, that teach me that you can be cool and still love Jesus (corny, but true). I've really began believing that people aren't all bad, it's just important to surround yourself with people who love you unconditionally, care 4 you deeply, will tell you when you're wrong, and won't judge you when your on the road to make it right...

I love life. I love the people God's placed in my life. I wouldn't change anything 4 the world...(well maybe some stuff, but that can wait for another post LOL)

Thank you Jesus 4 giving me the desire to live my life in a way that pleases you. I'm so proud to call you father, and friend. Thank you 4 surrounding me with positive, loving, kind people who love me unconditionally. Thank you 4 allowing me the eyes to see this love, and the heart to give it back. Help to make me a better woman, a better friend, a better sister, and a better daughter. I love you so much...Amen

Life is good...
D'Onna LeSean

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