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what's up doc?

There are very few things that excite me to the point of combustion. Food, magazines, the occasional drunken night, AND SHOES...glorious SHOES, beautiful SHOES, I LOVE SHOES!

Ok, I'm done.

With the 50th Anniversary of Doc Marten quickly approaching on January 4th, the brand decided to have several designers redecorate the classic 1460 boot (which is Doc Martens birthday by the way) any way they deemed fit. So what did these designers do? They went crazy, and I LOVE crazy! You won't be able to purchase the designer decorated boots, but feel free to do it yourself decorate away at home. The Edian Ronay (ribbon shoe laces), and Preen boots (burgundy with green paint and bedazzlements) are by far my favorite of the bunch.

Thanks Jessie!
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  1. love the designs.....i've been wanting a pair of "rugged-ish" boots I didn't even think of Doc Martens

  2. you should check out doc marten and this UK retailer All Saints. I found my pair of combat boots there already destroyed, but it's mean on the pocket!

  3. I NEED the Levi version in my life! ...The Preen and Tribal ones wouldnt hurt either....i could use the Sean John's too....Lol


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