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alexander mcqueen pre spring/summer 2010 collection lookbook.

Alexander McQueen always manages to stand out like a sour thumb in the fashion industry. It can sometimes seem like an over saturated market with everyone calling themselves a designer and wanting to create that 'it' item (Not that there's anything wrong with that). Ever the creative chameleon, McQueen is always evolving creatively and never afraid to step it up a bit as far as expectation goes. Although I've seen looks similar to a couple of these photos in his 2010 Resort Collection, overall these pre collection photos are getting me excited that Fashion Week is only a month away.

The very clean sharp lines McQueen has become known for are all throughout these photos as well as color. Great to see cobalt blue, it's such an amazing color I don't think a lot of people wear enough. The paint splattered jeans look like something I'll be doing for my next arts & crafts project. Can't wait for the rest. [via coutequecoute]

1 comment:

  1. i see the 80s shoulder is going to be big for not only this fall but spring as well. Ive designed some exaggerated shoulders myself in my clothes. I love these pieces.


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