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happy birthday to me...

it's only about an hour till my 22nd birthday, so I thought I'd use this time to look back...

I'm getting old. And as much as people say that age should make us happy, it only makes me a little sad. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited for my day as much as the next person would be if it was their birthday, but I can't help but think about all the things I should have completed by now. What can I say, I'm anal like that...

With age brings a boat load of wisdom, and if there is anything that I can say about turning a year older, it's that I'm much wiser than I was a year ago. There have been a lot of downs this year, but certianly a lot of undeserved blessings that have come my way. For every day I'm grateful. I'm excited to see what this year has in store for me...

Birthday Resolutions
1) Graduate
2) Get into Grad School
3) Get over that one guy...
4) Cast my cares on God
5) Love my family a little harder
6) Keep my word.
7) Stop sweating the small stuff
8) Start playing golf a little more...
9) Write more
10) Smile and stay positive

Things could be a lot worse than they are...

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